Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Pre-Palm Springs Musings

I fly to the West Coast tomorrow for the Love Breaks Out event on Saturday in Palm Springs, CA (you are coming, right?)

In addition to seeing my play (and my new Japanalia tunic I just bought for the trip), this is also Leather Weekend in Palm Springs. Yummy. Yeah, not the most vegan friendly event to be sure. Someone suggested I sport rubber in protest. I think nudity is a more appropriate response in a desert climate.

Oh, and they have wild fires too! Come on, elderly men with strips of leather holding up bits of flesh, the air filled with acrid smoke AND the comic ministry of Peterson Toscano--priceless!

I will be in Palm Springs Thur morning until Monday night, so if you can't make it to the event on Saturday, we can still meet up another day (Jon, Joe G, Daniel G, Eric, Tim, Heath Ledger--let's meet up!)

I am currently blogging on my fairly new Treo™ PDA. I've actually had to replace it twice, but this one is holding up okay, and my fingers are getting used to the tiny keyboard. I have yet to devise a strategy for inputing html links other than to just type all the code. I'll work on it.

Thanks for all the amazing comments and insights into my previous post about Ted Haggard. I felt physically exhausted after writting it. Some places are so hard to visit, but essential all the same. Thanks for the affirmation.

I feel pleased about some posts I will have up over the next few days. Susanne, a woman who was married to a man who came out has given me permission to share her e-mail with you. Also, I will feature the story of Elliot, an amazing 17 year trans boi I met earlier this year at a conference.

There is a mysterious power in telling our stories, a healing power for us when we tell our stories. For those who hear our stories, who actually have ears to hear, they can grow in understanding. We give a great gift when we tell our stories with integrity and vulnerability. We give an equally great gift when we listen to another's story. You will hear lots more about this as we head into 2007.


At 11:08 PM , Blogger CrackerLilo said...

Nudity as a political response! Excellent! Now I need to see that and your Japanalia tunic.

I'm vegetarian for health reasons, not ethical ones, but the more I learn about animals, the less I wear leather. I recently bought some irresistable turquoise suede sneakers with lime stripes, and I loved them, and then I felt a little sick to put them on. My non-vegan days are numbered...much to L'Ailee's dismay, but I've noticed her passing up non-animal-tested makeup, too.

Also, I just wanted to say, thank you for trying, and I think you know what I'm talking about.

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

crackerlilo, christine and I saw a precious hand carved panda bear ornament at 10,000 Villages and thought of YOU!

I started out as a dietary vegan but bit by bit the leather is gone except for one pair of shoes I use on stage. can't find a replacement for it yet.

I eill be at Ramapo College in Northern NJ on Nov 30 with my homo no mo show if you are around. would love to connect and share a vegan meal.

At 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet P! How do you meet all of those interesting people? Oh yeah, here´s a thought. Maybe it is your big hearted, caring and very devoted self that makes people open up to you. Magic.


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